Thursday, June 30, 2011

Time Flies....

When you're waiting on a baby!

Is it really Thursday already?? I just got in from my morning walk. Because Daniel seems to think if I walk around the baby is just gonna come on out?? Cute. My back hurts from walking, but whatever he wants to try I'll try. And yet still, no baby! I can't believe June is pretty much gone. Seriously, where did this month go?

We have got to figure out what we wanna cook for the 4th. I assume we will spend the day in the pool, and cooking. Ashlyn wants BBQ chicken legs and ribs. We shall see, my dear. All I want is potato salad, because, sadly, I will be laying off of the potatoes soon. But believe you me, as soon as I get back to the pre- baby weight, I plan on going to Greenwood and begging the chef at Giardina's to fix me some of his awesome gnochi. I don't think I spelled that right. Or maybe I did. Hmmm.

Since I know you've been waiting patiently, here is the latest picture of Sofie Jayne sleeping like the little angel she is!

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