Friday, June 24, 2011


It's been a long end of the week. Tomorrow, I will be 38 weeks pregnant. 38 very long weeks. Everybody is having their babies... and I'm just patiently awaiting my turn. I think Kittrell really likes being in his mama's belly. :) And that is perfectly fine with me. (Except I'm putting my foot down when we reach 40 weeks. He's gotta come on out by then!) I think I've said that like 100 times already.
Other reasons it's been a long week? Ashlyn is SICK. Poor thing came down with a stomach virus Wednesday night. And she still can't eat anything. Ash likes to eat just like her mama, so when I cooked her favorite- fried green tomatoes- for lunch and she didn't want any, I knew she still felt bad! :( Tomorrow is Saturday- or as we at the Smith house call it, "Funday". So hopefully she will be feeling better by then!
Have I mentioned yet that I don't sleep anymore? Well, I don't. My son tends to make things very uncomfortable for me. I can't complain, though. I get like 2-3 naps a day. And I like that very much.
Also- I like summer. Except for the heat, of course. But what I really don't like? Re-runs. As you can probably expect, I nap a lot and watch a lot of TV. But sadly, only re-runs. This is making me go a little stir-crazy. Ah- but my soap operas- they don't let me down! OMG have you seen One Life To Live lately? Shut the front door. (Seriously, they need to go ahead and cancel this show soon before I get to be too bad of an addict.) And can somebody please already tell John that he is Natalie's baby's daddy??!!
Well, I think I'm ready for another nap....
Happy weekend!! Hopefully we'll have us a baby soon!!! Yay!!

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