Tuesday, December 27, 2011


My baby decided she was ready to go hunting today. For the very first time. She is SO excited!! While Daniel, Ashlyn, Kittrell, and I were lunching over a huge spread of Mexican food earlier, Daniel asked Ashlyn if she wanted to go hunting with him this afternoon. She quickly turned him down with the reason that guns were way too loud. I said,"You know Ashlyn, you can always stick your fingers in your ears before Daniel shoots his gun." Lightbulb. After lunch we stopped by Ace Hardware and picked her up some camo. $70 camo so I told her there was no backing out after that purchase. Back to the house to change then they were off to Teoc. Hope she's having fun!! I'm sure she is though- she got to take her iPod. (I do feel a little guilty though... Ashlyn HATES loud noises, and Daniel's gun is the LOUDEST gun I've ever heard. Seriously. I jump every time. Hope this doesn't scar her for life...)

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