Monday, January 30, 2012


I just realized I haven't blogged in a while. Oops. So how was the weekend? I learned something Saturday. I learned that church, dinner at the Mexican restaurant, and a trip to Walmart all in one night makes for one cranky baby. People were probably staring at us. Oh well! The inlaws came to visit Sunday. And they brought pasta gravy. Yes- THAT pasta gravy. Go ahead- be jealous. I'd be if I were you. That and a yummy adult blueberry lemonade made for a perfect lazy Sunday at our house.

Today I'm working on getting my house clean. Spotless at that. I might be having company tomorrow.... Oh and I'm probably going back to my old blonde self when I go see my girl at the salon later. We'll see!! But first things first- gotta go make Kittrell happy!

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