It's been one of those days. The ones where you have the day off and so does your husband but instead of enjoying it you drag your 5 month old all around Meridian shopping and when the chick working the check out counter at Toys are Us tells you your total you want to literally throw up? Yeah- one of those days. And to top it off I've got the crud and have been taking any and all drugs I can get my hands on because there is no way I'm missing Laura Merrill's wedding tomorrow! We're on our way to Gwood and a good wife would stay awake and talk to her husband. But my head weighs a ton and I can't keep my eyes open.... No wait- I'm up. Husband just put my Sublime CD in. We're all good.
Oh wait- no. He started singing. I'm going back to sleep.
Anywho, here's a pic of Kittrell passed out in the store towards the end of shopping day. Happy Weekend!!
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