Thursday, September 23, 2010

Another Day Down!

It's nice to be home and not be worn out!! Ashlyn did great at soccer tonight- her team won!! She even began to play exceptionally well when finally halfway through the game looked over and saw her dad sitting with me and Daniel!! Why won't she play that good for us?! :) Daniel and I were talking today and thought about how funny it was that my fam and his fam are all coming to see us next weekend... next weekend after we have painted and moved everything ourselves!!! Thats fine you guys! I will save the super hard trim work for you!! Totally kidding- we NEVER have a house full and can't wait for yall to come!! Now if only I could get my Delta girls to come visit.... 

I did get the guest room painted today and I love the shade of brown we picked. I can't wait to get some of my paintings hung in there because I just know it's gonna look good! Daniel and I are heading out early in the morning to get more paint for the dining room and hallway- thank goodness he has all this time saved up to take off work this week and next week!! Ashlyn will be with her dad and Adria this weekend so you guys pray for me and Daniel- we will be working non-stop till Sunday night!! Forgive me if I don't post much till Monday!! 

Have a fantastic weekend!!


  1. I will come visit if you make me those taco things pictured above Ashlyn's head...

  2. blackened catfish tacos with peach salsa- I jumped up and down for like 5 minutes after I made these cause they were so good! I'll find the recipe and send it to ya- it's definately worth trying!
