Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fishing, oh- wait, I mean swimming.

Well, we loaded up Sunday and headed to Spring Lake for some fishing.  I had so much fun!  Ashlyn and I had a bet to see who could catch the most fish- she won.  Until she quit fishing so she could roll down the big hill and play with the worms.  Wait- is that my child?  Play with worms?  What??  (Can we say black fingernails?)  She also only asked me and Daniel about 1000 times if she could jump in the water.  She even packed her swim suit.  After saying no 1000 times, I decided she had been good enough and told her to go for it.  She didn't understand what I was saying, because she immediately started asking, "Can I get my shorts wet? Can I get my shirt wet? What about my hair?"  I said again, "Do whatever you want and stop asking so many questions."  She asked, "But Mom- what does that mean??"  "Ashlyn, I am walking away.  You do whatever makes you happy and for goodness sake please stop asking so many questions!"  Needless to say, she figured out what I meant and went for it.  And when we got ready to leave, she smelled like a muddy wet dog.  That was a fun ride home.  Oh well, Ashlyn had a blast!
"Mama, can I PLEASE get in the water?"

"Please, Daniel, please can I go swimming?"
"I'll just put my feet in the water. Please? I won't get my shirt wet!"
"Mama, can I get in the water now???"
"No.  You will scare all the fish away!"
And we all see who won this argument.....

Thursday, March 22, 2012

1st time in the grass...

We finally gave up let Kittrell loose in the yard. He crawled all over the place! He ate some leaves, chewed on some grass, and patted on the grass till his heart's content. So much fun!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ok, so....

I'll share with you just a few of the pics from this past Saturday. Met a pretty drag queen, hugged a scary leprechaun, sat on the piano, and hung out with great friends. And that is all I am going to say about that. What happens in Memphis..... Oh you know how the saying goes!

Monday, March 19, 2012


Yay for great weather!! Kittrell is enjoying his swing and Abel and Ashlyn are enjoying a game of fetch. Although, fetch for those two means Abel runs around with the ball in his mouth while Ashlyn tries to catch him. It's cute.

On another note, are you running in the Viking half marathon? Let me know if you are! The marathon runs by our house a couple of times and Ashlyn and I signed up to cheer you guys on. I'm sure some home made signs will be involved and we'd love to add your name to one of them!!

Happy Monday!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fun in the Park

We had a fun day today!! A picnic and some play time. Ashlyn even took the babies down the big slide! Also, Ashlyn's best friend showed up... Needless to say she ditched us to go to her friend's house for the rest of the afternoon. (Her friend has a pool.). I guess I don't blame her...

Sofi is coming for a Visit!!

Happy Thursday!! Kiki and Sofi are in town, and we're all having a picnic at lunch! Ashlyn is super excited. Now, if only the rain would hold off! Cross your fingers!!

(P.S.- look what Kiki brought me for my birthday! It's my favorite!!)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

*Sigh*... And a fishing trip!

Ashlyn went fishing with Danny this past weekend.  She caught "all of the fish" and Danny "didn't catch any".  Ha!  I must say, the fish were DELISH!  We had a good outdoor fish fry last night and stuffed ourselves.  Hope they go fishing again soon!!

On another note,  did you know that Ashlyn gets on our computer here at home?  She does.  She reads blogs, keeps up with Disney online, and when she is not grounded, we pay for the subscription to Toontown.  Anywho,  I guess I'm going to have to cut her blog reading out.  It's not worth me having to "explain" things to her- when all she really wants to do is look at pictures.  It's a shame really, but some people were born without filters- and I don't want Ashlyn around all of that!  She's too sweet- and doesn't understand ranting and raving at this age.  (Although she is getting close to that age-  that child already back talks more than you would think!)

When it comes to MY Facebook page,  I chose to keep my profile private from well over half of my friends list.  If you are my friend on Facebook, then you are either actually my friend, my husband's friend, a family member, part of my husband's family, a friend/family member of Ashlyn, or went to school with me.  If I met you once 5 years ago you are not going to make the list.  Sorry, but we're not friends.  Now add all of those up, and I have about 300 Facebook friends.  Of those 300, only about 50 can actually comment on my profile and pictures.  Because the ones who can, are not drama starters.  They don't nor have they ever misinterpreted anything I have posted and wanted to start a war.  They are mature friends and family members of mine, and they are close family and friends of mine.  This way, I don't have to be worried about being "stalked" on Facebook and I don't have to worry about someone seeing a post and immediately think it is about them, when it never really was.  Since I have started this whole private Facebook thing, I have loved Facebook even more.  If you can't comment on my page,  you are welcome to send me a message, and I'll always respond.  Just wanted to let EVERYONE know, that no- you are not special.  You, along with about 200 others, can't comment on my page.  No hard feelings, but things are easier this way! :)

Visiting the New Office

So, yesterday Ashlyn, Kittrell and I headed to Cleveland to check out Daniel's new office and employees... We won't get into all of that... However, Ash was so happy to see that Daniel took all of her artwork from the office in Decatur and had already hung it all over his new office in Cleveland! So cute! We didn't hang around too long because there is apparently a LOT of work involved with Bolivar county. So after a great lunch at Airport Grocery, we headed back home to Greenwood to get some play time outside fit into our schedule. By the way- it was HOT outside yesterday. Seriously- Ashlyn was playing with some kids down the street walking around barefooted like it was the middle of summer. She is such a country girl! I did get a picture of the kids at the new office- Kittrell was really enjoying it because he wouldn't stop clapping!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

More Fridge Art

Yay Ashlyn!!

Hey Hey Hey!

It's Saturday. I still have boxes to unpack. And things to clean. And I really need to dust. But here I am- laying on the bed watching Real Housewives reruns. This is more fun, I think.

Daniel is fishing, Ashlyn is out of town, and Kittrell is taking a nap. A VERY relaxing Saturday for me. Last Saturday I only had like 12 mini heart attacks. Moving is stressful. By the time the guys got most of our things moved into the new house, you couldn't walk anywhere. Daniel and I cleared a path to Kittrell's room for him, then pushed the couches together and camped out in the living room. I had a major crick in my neck the next morning. However! With one week behind us, you can walk through the house! I finally found my box of wine glasses. That was the most important box, in my opinion, and I thought I had lost it for a while there. But no worries- they all made it here safe and sound.

Next on my agenda is to come up with a new blog name. I no longer have to survive those hellacious hills. (Thank the Lord!)

On another note, guess what's going on this week? Oh nothing special, just MY BIRTHDAY. :)

And guess what's after my birthday?? Only the best holiday ever- St. Patrick's Day. Memphis better get ready for me!

I should get back to my relaxing Saturday- these don't happen too often for me.